Under Construction
Coming: A Gallery Of Original Art Work, More Scanned Images.
to my little corner of the web. This site contains an image library
where you'll have access to images of Katie Holmes, Sarah Michelle
Gellar, and Alyssa Milano, and many more. You'll also have access
to my images of space and nature pictures. I've also included a
page with some of my favorite movies, it's not complete, that would
take forever!
I've also
put up an online store with books on everything from business to
entertainment. The games section has games for the Dreamcast, Playstation,
N64 and a couple others. And of course, the DVD and Video section.
The Java games were downloaded from the JavaBoutique.
The news, horoscopes, and the online store were provided by iSyndicate
- Free content for your website. Enjoy and happy shopping! These
games are not online yet, I'll put them up soon.